2021 31-Inch Tire Run on the Rubicon Trail—Fullsize rigs, little tires, HUGE fun!
The Sierra Rock Crawlers hosted the 5th Annual 31-Inch Tire Run on the Rubicon Trail, filling the wheelwells where 40-inch sticky tires once lived, with 31-inch spare tires. “Why?” Might be the question you’re asking since the Rubicon is known for its endless onslaught of boulders. “Because it’s fun!” Is the answer. We joined the fun this year and here’s what we found.
31-Inch tires for the Rubicon Trail? Yes.
Longtime member of the Sierra Rock Crawlers, Dustin Stilwell, had always entertained an idea of running the Rubicon in a large rig with small tires, and in 2017, he and 20 other rigs made it happen. And they did it again in 2018, each time, collecting donations for the Friends of the Rubicon, a group dedicated to keeping the Rubicon Trail open to the public. This year, 31 machines attended the run and the group collected over $2,500 for Colby Arnett of Redding, California. Colby beat brain cancer once when he was 6, but he’s now fighting a second battle with the disease and the Sierra Rock Crawlers are determined to help. All donations were made in the name of Todd “T-Love” Harris, a fellow off-road enthusiast who lost his battle with cancer in 2017.
Walking around the Rubicon Trail staging area for the 31-Inch Tire run was a confusing sight. Where one expected to see beefy rubber rock-conquering doughnuts, instead sat tiny spare-tire-size wheels and tire packages. Some were actual spare tires, others were donated by tow rigs, and a few combinations were comically selected specifically for this event. Many came to support the cause and 31-inch tires were not a requirement, but those who opted for the smaller diameters definitely appeared to have more fun.
Check out the VIDEO of the trail action!
Soup Bowl on 31-Inch Tires
Click ANY IMAGE for a full gallery of the 31-Inch Tire Run action!